A small selection of sold, donated and gifted artworks.
A heartfelt thank you to all the collectors and art lovers who have given my paintings a new and lasting home.
Your support and continued interest in my work mean the world to me.

in tune
sea to sky
reading break
between the lines
before summer ends
a cinderella moment
putting it all behind me
do you see what I see
one day we'll go there
a moon for everyone
it's raining words
keep it to yourself
tastefully sweet
le randez-vous
hosre whisperer
perfect toons
secret toons
sensual toons
out of sight
afternoon siesta
up and about
courage in small doses
private assembly
dreams come true
autumn mood
winter mood
whimsical whisper
feather of a spy
crazy ride
sleepless nights
friday afternoon
celebration 1
celebration 2
too pretty for pie
the last mile